Brew the Perfect Cup: How to Get Into Coffee

Are you ready to get into coffee? Nothing beats a savory sip of the dark liquid, whether you’re just starting your day or need an afternoon boost. From types of coffee and brewing methods to grinding your own beans and storing them properly, getting into coffee can be intimidating for beginners. But with the right accessories and knowledge, anyone can make a delicious brew that will keep them coming back for more.

Let us help you get into coffee by exploring all aspects from bean selection to perfecting your technique.

How to Get Into Coffee

Table of Contents:

How to Start Coffee

Many coffee beginners have questions in their minds regarding where to get started and how to start drinking coffee. Well, this is a very common scenario and you don’t have to worry about that.

How to Start Coffee

To get started drinking coffee, you can start with coffee cake and coffee ice cream. You can also try sweet coffee drinks like iced coffee or latte with cream and syrup. If you want to prepare your own coffee, try a hot cup of drip coffee with sugar and cream. Sugar and cream will help to reduce the bitter taste.

To make your coffee creamy, you can use whipped cream, almond milk, or coffee creamer to make a hot chocolate-style drink. If you’re going to make your hot coffee at your home, try whole bean coffee. It is the best way to drink coffee. Ground coffee may save you time and be easy to make, but you will miss the flavors and essence that are protected inside the coffee bean shells.

You’ll find cheaply-made coffee in every coffee shop, grocery store and online shop. But you shouldn’t start drinking coffee with cheaply-made coffee when you’re trying to ease yourself into building the coffee drinking habit. Because these coffees tend to have less flavor and won’t give you the original taste of real coffee beans. Some coffee drinkers may suggest you start with this though, but real coffee lovers always prefer high quality coffee.

Types of Coffee

There are two different ways to define the types of coffee such as types of beans and types of roasts.

Types of Coffee

Types of beans

Two main types of beans are used for coffee, Arabica and Robusta, with the former being considered higher quality and having a more complex flavor.

Arabica is considered the higher quality coffee bean with a more complex flavor profile, while Robusta has a harsher taste and contains more caffeine. The difference in flavor between these two types of beans can be quite noticeable when brewed.

Types of roasts

Light roast coffee is usually made from Arabica beans that have been roasted for less time than dark roast coffee. Light roasts generally have a milder taste with subtle floral or fruity notes and a slight acidity. Dark roast coffees tend to be bolder in flavor with smoky or even charred notes and low acidity due to their longer roasting times.

Filter coffee involves pouring hot water over coarser grounds in order to extract the flavors without making them too strong. This method results in smoother tasting cups that may contain fewer bitter compounds compared to espresso-based coffee drinks

The coffee realm is expansive and multifaceted, presenting a myriad of tastes depending on the kind picked. Brewing methods are just as important to creating your perfect cup; let’s explore some popular options.

Brewing Methods

Brewing coffee is a craft, each method yielding its own special cup of java. Whether you prefer French press, pour over or drip coffee maker, it’s important to understand the nuances of each brewing technique in order to make the perfect cup.

Brewing Methods

French Press:

The French press is one of the most popular methods for making coffee because it’s simple and easy. It consists of a beaker with a plunger and filter that pushes down into the beaker after steeping. When done correctly, this method yields a full-bodied cup with low acidity and complex flavors due to its slow extraction process.

To get started, preheat your French press by filling it with hot water before adding freshly ground beans (medium-coarse grind).

Gently press down the plunger after allowing the grounds to steep in boiling water for 3–4 minutes, ensuring that all liquid has been extracted from them. Enjoy.

Pour over method

Heat up some filtered water in either a kettle or pot until it’s just about boiling, then wet the filter with warm water to prevent oils from your beans being absorbed when they are added later.

Pour the heated water onto your grounds slowly while stirring gently and stop once all liquid has been fully absorbed. Allow around 30 seconds before continuing again; this should take 1-2 minutes depending on how much coffee you’re making per batch.

Once finished brewing, discard used grounds into compost bin if applicable/desired and enjoy.

Taking your coffee game to the next level, grinding your own beans is a great way to maximize flavor. With freshly ground beans you can unlock all the flavor notes in each roast for an unbeatable experience.

Next up: Grinding Your Coffee Beans – learn how to grind them and why you should choose it.

Main Takeaway: Brewing coffee is an art form, and the French press method yields a full-bodied cup with low acidity. To make your perfect cup of joe, preheat your French press before adding freshly ground beans (medium-coarse grind) and slowly pour heated water over them while stirring gently until all liquid has been fully absorbed – voilà.

Grinding Your Own Beans

Grinding your own beans is the key to unlocking the full potential of your coffee. With freshly ground beans, you can control the flavor and texture of each cup, allowing for a truly personalized experience.

Grinding Your Own Beans


Burr grinders are generally considered superior to blade grinders because they produce an even grind size with fewer fines. Burr grinders use two abrasive surfaces (burrs) that crush and pulverize the beans while blades chop them up unevenly. The burr grinder also allows for more precise grinding settings so you can adjust it to get just the right coarseness or fineness depending on what type of brew method you’re using.

The importance of freshly ground beans cannot be overstated, as pre-ground coffee will start losing its flavor within minutes after being exposed to air, light and humidity – all things that accelerate oxidation and lead to stale flavors in coffee.

Advantages of freshly ground beans

Freshly ground beans retain their aroma and flavor for longer than pre-ground ones due to their increased surface area which exposes them more quickly to oxygen in the air. Therefore, when it comes time for brewing, always make sure you’re using fresh grounds – no matter how good your gear may be.

Achieving the ideal cup of coffee requires grinding your own beans, and with proper storage you can maintain their peak flavor for extended periods. Storing your coffee beans in the right way is essential for preserving their freshness and flavor over a prolonged period.

Next up: Storing Your Coffee Beans Properly – learn how to keep them at their peak flavor.

Storing Your Coffee Beans Properly

Storing your coffee beans properly is key to ensuring that you get the best flavor and aroma out of every cup. Maintaining optimal conditions is critical for preserving the flavor and aroma of your coffee beans; thus, keeping them in an area that avoids temperature fluctuations or excessive humidity levels is essential.

Storing Your Coffee Beans Properly

Keep it at an appropriate temperature

For temperature, optimal storage for coffee beans is between 60°F and 70°F (15°C – 21°C), a range which should be maintained to prevent flavor degradation or condensation on the surface of the beans.

Too hot, and your coffee’s taste will suffer; too cold and condensation could form on the beans. As far as humidity goes, aim for somewhere around 50-60%. This will prevent mold from growing on your beans while still allowing them to stay fresh.

Store it in air-tight vessels

Store your java in air-tight vessels, such as glass jars or vacuum sealing bags, to guarantee optimal conditions are met. Glass jars help protect against light exposure which can cause oxidation – a process which causes flavors to deteriorate over time – while also providing a tight seal against outside air.

Vacuum sealed bags provide even better protection by removing all traces of oxygen from inside the bag before being sealed shut, effectively creating an oxygen-free environment for maximum freshness.

The key takeaway here is that if you want great tasting coffee each time you brew up a pot, take care when storing those precious little grounds. Investing in some quality storage solutions will go a long way towards preserving their taste until they hit hot water; then watch as they come alive.

Proper storage of your coffee beans is key for ensuring that you get the utmost flavor from each brew. To make sure that every sip tastes perfect, it’s important to have the right accessories for making a great cup of joe.

Main Takeaway: For optimal flavor, store coffee beans in an environment with temperatures between 15°C and 21°C and a humidity level of 50-60%. Investing in airtight containers like glass jars or vacuum sealing bags will go a long way towards keeping those grounds fresh as a daisy.

Accessories for the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Accurately regulating the temperature is essential for crafting a delicious cup of coffee. Accurate temperature regulation is necessary to unlock the full potential of coffee’s flavor and aroma, otherwise it can be spoiled. Kettles and thermometers are essential accessories for getting the water to just the right temperature every time.

Accessories for the Perfect Cup of Coffee


Kettles come in many shapes and sizes, from traditional stovetop models to modern electric ones with precise temperature controls. No matter what your preference is, you can be sure to find a kettle that meets your requirements.

A good kettle should have accurate readings on its dial so you know exactly how hot your water is before pouring it over your grounds. And if you opt for an electric kettle, look for one with adjustable temperatures so you can get just the right setting every time.


Accurate measurements are also important when making coffee; using too much or too little ground beans will affect both flavor and strength of your brews. Scales are great tools for ensuring consistent results each time by providing exact measurements of both coffee grounds and water used in each batch of coffee made at home—no guesswork required.

Look for scales with tare features so that any container weight won’t be included in calculations; this makes it easier to measure out ingredients without having to transfer them into separate bowls first.

Temperature control

Tampers help evenly compress grounds before they go into espresso machines or French presses, which helps ensure full extraction during brewing—so no precious flavors go wasted. Tampers come in various sizes depending on what type of machine they’ll be used with (e.g., standard size tampers work best with portafilters).

Make sure yours has a comfortable grip handle as well as flat bottom surface so that tamping pressure is distributed evenly across all parts of the filter basket/press chamber walls during use.

Main Takeaway: To make the perfect cup of coffee, you need precise temperature control with a kettle and thermometer, exact measurements from a scale, and even compression with a tamper. It’s all about getting it just right for full extraction – no room for error.

FAQs in Relation to How to Get Into Coffee

How do I start getting into coffee?

Getting into coffee can be an exciting journey.

1. First, decide what type of brewing method you prefer – manual or automatic.

2. Then research the best equipment for that method and consider your budget.

3. Learn about different types of beans and origins, as well as roasting styles and grind sizes to determine which flavor profiles you like best.

4. Finally, experiment with recipes until you find a cup that’s perfect for you. With practice comes expertise; so enjoy the process while discovering new flavors along the way.

How coffee became an unstoppable force?

In the 18th century, coffee started to gain widespread recognition and eventually became an unstoppable force. Coffee’s popularity was driven by technological advancements such as steam-powered roasting machines and vacuum sealed cans which allowed for easier transport and storage of beans.

People of all backgrounds now had the ability to savor its robust taste, thanks to improvements in technology that made it simpler to transfer and store beans. As demand increased, so did production methods and quality control standards leading to a product that could be consistently enjoyed across the globe. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world due to its versatility and convenience – making it an unstoppable force.

What are 7 facts about coffee you didn t know?

1. Coffee is a widely-traded item, ranking second in global trading after petroleum.

2. The average coffee drinker consumes 3 cups of coffee per day, which adds up to over 400 billion cups consumed each year worldwide.

3. Coffee beans are actually seeds from a type of fruit called a “coffee cherry” that grows on trees in tropical regions around the world.

4. In moderate amounts (roughly 2-4 cups), caffeine has been demonstrated to boost memory and concentration for a limited time.

5. Lighter roasts tend to be more acidic and have a sharper flavor, while darker ones are often richer with notes of sweetness and smokiness.

6. Espresso is made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure, resulting in an intensely flavorful shot or beverage base used for many popular drinks like cappuccinos and lattes.

7 . Cold brew coffee takes much longer than regular brewed coffee because they require 12 hours or more steeped overnight before being ready to enjoy.

How do you become a coffee enthusiast?

Becoming a coffee enthusiast requires dedication and passion.

1. To start, learn the basics of coffee-making including different brewing methods, grind sizes, water temperature and other variables that affect flavor.

2. Then explore various beans from around the world to discover your favorite flavors.

3. Practice making coffee with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

4. Finally, develop an appreciation for the culture surrounding coffee by attending events such as cupping sessions or barista competitions to learn more about it.

With practice and enthusiasm, anyone can become a true connoisseur of this beloved beverage.


If you’re ready to get into coffee, the possibilities are endless. From beans to grinders and thermometers, you can explore a range of options to make your coffee experience one of excellence. Storing them properly is essential in order to keep their flavor intact over time. And don’t forget about accessories like kettles and thermometers that will help you make the perfect cup every single time. With so many options available, there’s no reason not to start exploring all that coffee has to offer today.

Discover the secrets of coffee brewing and tasting with! Our comprehensive guide will help you become a true connoisseur in no time.

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Jeff Stone
Jeff is a coffee aficionado. He loves a couple cups of joe first thing in the morning. He like trying out new grounds and gear and then writes about it here. When he is not sipping java, he is usually writing it for his clients as a software engineer.

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